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Urban game "Konspiracja w cieniu swastyki" (Conspiracy in the shadow of the swastika).

Start at the Courtyard of the Museum building at Pomorska Street 2.

Faced with the brutal policies of the Germans, the natural reaction of the occupied population was to organize underground resistance structures. They were created by representatives of almost every social group, which is why their dimension took on various forms. The military, intelligentsia, representatives of the peasant population, as well as the Jews confined in the ghetto, created their own structures. Each group had its own organizational form and goals, but they all shared a common aim – resistance against the German occupier. Often, those involved in the resistance paid the ultimate price for their defiance. During the urban game, participants will explore the underground resistance structures of Polish soldiers, the Jewish population, and the intelligentsia. The game will cover topics such as sabotage actions, document production, secret education, and German terror policies and forms of repression.

Game route: Pomorska Street 2 – Plac Krakowski (Krakowski Square) – Adam Mickiewicz Avenue – Wawel – Skawińska Street – Plac Nowy (The New Square) – Nadwiślańska Street – Ghetto Heroes Square, The Eagle Pharmacy – Lipowa Street, Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory.

●     Activity is available in Polish only.

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