Онлайн квитки
Tłumaczenie zostało przygotowane we współpracy z Fundacją Instytut Polska-Ukraina w ramach projektu "Przełamywanie barier" finansowanego z Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.

Liberation or Subjugation

Grzegorz Jeżowski, Henryk Stańczyk, Monika Maszewska-Łupiniak


місце видання
рік видання:
кількість сторінок
17cm x 24cm
czarno-białe i kolorowe

The publication talks about three important post-war years the Kraków about the most important events of this period: the celebration of May 3 and the course, the results of the National Referendum in 1946 and elections to the Legislative Sejm in 194

Publication "Liberation or subjugation in the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Krakow" is a directory for temporary exhibition presented in Schindler's Factory.
Extends the threads of history that have been signaled Krakow permanent exhibition Krakow - Nazi Occupation 1939-1945 in a branch of the Historical Museum of Krakow Schindler's Factory.
Directory is not just a story about the history of the myth around the "Polish-Soviet friendship" created by the communist propaganda but also important for Krakow three years after the war of some key events of this period: the celebration of May 3 and on the progress and results of the popular referendum in 1946, elections for the Legislative Sejm in 1947.
Why such a myth created just for Krakow?
The answer is obvious because the city of Krakow is a magical, unique town with great importance for the history of Polish.
Special maneuver was to be a gift of friendship, had evidence of the Soviet Union respect for our country, in fact, was favorable to the Soviet military situation, which builds on the eastern front.


місце видання
рік видання:
кількість сторінок
17cm x 24cm
czarno-białe i kolorowe