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Tłumaczenie zostało przygotowane we współpracy z Fundacją Instytut Polska-Ukraina w ramach projektu "Przełamywanie barier" finansowanego z Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.

Prisoners of war in occupied Kraków 1939-1945

Tomasz Owoc


місце видання
рік видання:
кількість сторінок
17cm x 24cm
black and white

Publication "Prisoners of war in occupied Krakow 1939-1945" accompanies the exhibition in Schindler's factory of the same name.

Publication "Prisoners of war in occupied Krakow 1939-1945" accompanies the exhibition in Schindler's factory of the same name. It presents little-known history of prison camps operating in Krakow. Distributed fate of Polish, French, Soviet, Belgian and Dutch soldiers imprisoned by the German occupying forces in the capital of the General Government.
Development by Tomasz fruit begins the analysis of the international agreements governing prisoners of war, which existed during the Second World War at various stages - from the assembly points, the temporary camps and a hospital prison, until the camp became Oflag XIII, then Stalag 369 and its evacuation.

Stalag 369 functioned in 1941-1944. This describes a number of prison camps for privates and non-commissioned officers, under the command of joint. Initially, the camp housed Soviet prisoners of war who have been used, among others, the construction of the main camp in Kobierzyn, whose inhabitants were refusing to work for the occupiers prisoners French, Belgian and Dutch. An important part of the publication on Stalag is the presentation of profiles of the Poles, who were among the prisoners standing in Krakow. Most often they were sent to him as a Red Army soldiers.
In addition, the publication will also find descriptions of the fate Dulagów - temporary camps and a hospital prison in occupied Krakow, hastily organized for soldiers wounded in the September campaign.
The directory is a comprehensive discussion of the issue of prisoner's of war in Cracow during World War II.


місце видання
рік видання:
кількість сторінок
17cm x 24cm
black and white