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Tłumaczenie zostało przygotowane we współpracy z Fundacją Instytut Polska-Ukraina w ramach projektu "Przełamywanie barier" finansowanego z Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.
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Tadeusz Pankiwicz's Pharmacy in the Kraków Ghetto. A guidebook.

Monika Bednarek


місце видання
рік видання:
кількість сторінок
12 cm x 21 cm
color and black-and-white

New permanent exhibition was opened in the Pharmacy under Eagle.

The exhibition consists of six sectionpresented in the former pharmacy rooms. Unfortunately, after the pharmacy was closed down in the 1960s, all of its furnishings were destroyed. The pharmacy furniture, equipment and vessels on display in the museum have been reconstructed on the basis of surviving documentation and witnesses' accounts. The authors of the exhibition made every effort to convey the character of the design of the original Apteka Pod Orłem. The exhibitions has been supplemented with films, multimedia presentations, photographs and documents related to the history of the pharmacy and of the Kraków Ghetto and the destruction of Kraków Jews. In their work, the authors drew on Tadeusz pankiewicz's memoir, The pharmacy in the Kraków Ghetto and the Holocaust survivors' testmonies available from the archives of the Jewsish Historical Institute in Warsaw, Yad Vashem Institute in Jerusalem and others memoirs, diaries and accounts of that peiod as well as audio and video recordings.


місце видання
рік видання:
кількість сторінок
12 cm x 21 cm
color and black-and-white