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Expats - Power of Krakow?

The presence of expats is typical for large metropolises such as London, Paris, or New York. However, it is also becoming a characteristic feature of smaller cities, attractive due to their developed business sector and the atmosphere of the place related to its heritage. The group of Krakow expats is very diverse, both in terms of their countries of origin, professions, and level of knowledge of the Polish language. At the meeting, we will talk about the motivations for choosing Krakow, whether it is easy for expats to live there, and what opportunities their presence brings.

Our guests:

Mateusz Płoskonka - Krakow City Office Social Policy and Health Department
David McGirr – Kraków Expats Directory
Noel O’Donnell
Sérgio Videira
Kim Jun Won

Meeting moderate by Kamil Stasiak and Katarzyna Winiarczyk

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