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Krzysztofory. Scientic Bulletin of the Historical Museum of the City of Kraków

Krzysztofory. Scientic Bulletin of the Historical Museum of the City of Kraków have been published since 1974. They have a city-museum-museological profile.

ISSN 0137-3129

Yearbook “Krzysztofory. Scientic Bulletin of the Historical Museum of the City of Kraków” is indexed in the prestigious database The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).
ERIH PLUS is a publicly available index of scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences, created by the Norwegian Center for Research Data. Currently, it includes over 7,000 titles of scientific journals. Until 2014, the list was run under the name ERIH by the European Science Foundation (based in France) and concerned only humanities journals.

The aim of ERIH PLUS is to increase the visibility and accessibility of scientific content and to enable authors to disseminate their scientific work more widely in national and international languages.

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