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Publishing instruction

The appropriate preparation of the text you write in a Word document is an important introduction to both the editorial work and the work of the compositor, thereby speeding up the publishing cycle and helping us to avoid mistakes.

Therefore, please make sure your articles are prepared as follows:

  1. The title aligned to the left margin.
  2. The author's first name and surname in the upper left corner.
  3. Automatic page numbering.
  4. Please deliver the material via e-mail.

The text should have a volume of 1 author's sheet (only in very justifiable cases it may be max. 1.5 author's sheet).

Each article should also contain:

  1. An abstract in Polish (max. volume: 1 normalised page).
  2. Keywords (max. 10 words).
  3. Author information (degree, education, affiliation).
  4. All illustrations with captions.
  5. Bibliography by source: archives, printed, non-printed texts and press.

The editorial office of the Museum of Krakow annual thanks you for following the instructions below.


  1. File formats: .doc or .rtf. After recording to media, please check if the file opens.
  2. Logical file names: preferably the author's surname, subject abbreviation, and obligatorily, date. If the text is in a foreign language, please add a suffix specifying the language, e.g. Eng., Fr., Ger., etc.
  3. Use one font type and size: Times New Roman 12 pt
  4. 1.5 pt line spacing
  5. 2.5 cm margins.
  6. Paragraphs with indent of 1 tab. (1.27 cm).
  7. Text aligned to the left (not justified).
  8. Do not use hyphenation, ornamental styles, page headers, ornamental decorations, serifs, manually expanded letters, section breaks. Please remove them (from the top task bar select the “¶” icon, which shows all manually introduced changes as non-printing characters).
  9. Please do not use links when providing email addresses and web pages.
  10. Enter only one space between words. Before closing the document, please run the automatic option: Edit –> Find – Replace to help you eliminate double spaces.
  11. In the text, use italics for i.a. titles (of books, directories, albums, articles, paintings, etc.), foreign-language names – mainly of Latin origin, passages of poetry. Also write in italics a motto the origin of which must be explained in a footnote.
  12. Use quotation marks and a roman (non-italic) font for, i.a., long quotes and titles of magazines. Use Polish double quotes (lower-upper), and in English texts, use upper quotes.
  13. Mark omissions in quotes with three dots in round brackets, never only with three dots.
  14. Write dates with days and months with Arabic numerals, for example: 7/5/1794; write years with the full word “year”, e.g.: year 1683 or, if in brackets, without the word “year”, e.g.: (1683). Similarly, enter the full word “century”, for example: the 21st century. In the absence of a daily date, always write the month in words, e.g. in March 1825. For different styles (calendars), write as in the following example: 10/20 May 1589, but e.g.: 27/2 / 11/3/1896 Periods from to: e.g.: 1–10 May 1900, 1 May – 10 June 1900 (with spaces and an en dash, not a hyphen). In the dates inserted in brackets, the month is written with a numeral and the word “year” is omitted, e.g.: (1/5/1826). In addition, use the phrases such as: “in the second half” (in words), “the 1980s” (numeral). The editorial office reserves the right to use abbreviations, for example: “yr.”, if the text is extensive.
  15. Four-digit or shorter numbers are written without punctuation, and numbers of more than four digits should be separated with a comma at orders of magnitude, for example: 1234, 12,345, 123,456; use abbreviations: thous., mln, bln, e.g.: 2 thous., 5 mln, 10 bln.


  1. Please provide illustrations in quality suitable for printing (300 DPI resolution, .tif or uncompressed .jpg format; size from 6 x 8 cm) and a list of illustrations.
  2. The names of the photographs supplied (file name, and optionally, a description on the reverse of the photograph) must be as shown in the list of illustrations.
  3. Please write photo captions in a roman (non-italic) font.
  4. Please provide logos in a vector format (.cdr or .ai files).

PREPARATION OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY (acc. to PN-ISO 690: 2002 Documentation. Bibliographic footnotes. Content, form, and structure)

General principles
Base of the description – the title page or equivalent (e.g. CD label).

Language and spelling – the elements of the description should be in the language and spelling of the document. Capitalisation should be in accordance with the practice of the language or publication in which the information is given.

Abbreviations – indicate the meaning of all the abbreviations used in the footnotes or in the documents from which they are derived in the attached list of abbreviations; the only exception is commonly used abbreviations.

Additions and corrections – additional data may be provided to correct obvious errors in the source, i.e. to ensure a more accurate identification of persons and corporate authors by expanding the initials and acronyms and distinguishing the names of places by adding clarifications. All additional elements (additions or corrections) shall be indicated in square brackets after the element to be modified.

Primary responsibility: author or corporate author – if not specified in the document, this element should be omitted – then the first element of the description will be the title. For more than three authors, only the first one shall be given and the following abbreviation shall be added: “et al.” (and others). In the case of a collective work consisting of works by different authors, the name of the editor may be indicated, provided that the editor is clearly indicated on the title page or the title page reverse.

Edition – shall be recorded in Arabic numerals together with the additional information provided (“enl.”, “rev.”, “expand.”, “amend.”). The first edition shall not be indicated.

Place of issue – enter it in the original language.


1. Book
Surname and first name of the author: Title. Supplement to the title. Edition. Place of issue year of issue.

Example 1:
Habielski Rafał, Osica Janusz: Między niewolą a wolnością. Kronika czterech pokoleń 1900–1997. 7th ed. Warszawa 2003.

Example 2:
Chwalba Andrzej: Dzieje Krakowa. Vol. 6. Kraków w latach 1945–1989. Kraków 2004.

2. PASSAGE OF A BOOK (chapter, story, poem)
Surname and first name of the author: Title. Supplement to the title. Edition. Place of issue year of issue. Title of the passage, location within the source document.

Hutnikiewicz Artur: Od czystej formy do literatury faktu. 5th ed. Warszawa 1988. Ekspresjonizm, pp. 70–92.

Title. Supplement to the title. Ed. Editor's first name and surname. Edition. Volume or part number. Place of issue year of issue.

Example 1:
Kompendium wiedzy o ekologii. Eds. Jan Strzałko, Teresa Mossor-Pietraszewska. 2nd rev. and enl. ed. Warszawa 2001.

Example 2:
Poezja polska 1914–1939. Antologia. Selected and compiled by Ryszard Matuszewski, Seweryn Pollak. 3rd ed. part 1. Warszawa 1984.

Example 3:
Dzieje Krakowa. Vol. 2. Kraków w wiekach XVI–XVIII. Eds. Janina Bieniarzówna, Jan M Małecki., Józef Mitkowski, Kraków 1984.

Surname and first name of the author of the passage: Title of the passage. In: Title. Supplement to the title. Surname and first name of the editor of the collective work. Edition. Place of issue year of issue, pages of the passage.

Example 1:
Hutnikiewicz Artur: Badania nad literaturą Młodej Polski. In: Rozwój wiedzy o literaturze polskiej po 1918 roku. Warszawa 1986, pp. 192–224.

Example 2 – a poem from an anthology of multiple authors:

Stachura Edward: Wielki Testament. In: Od Kochanowskiego do Szymborskiej. Antologia poezji polskiej. Wybór Wawrzkiewicz Marek. Warszawa 1999, pp. 380–381.

Example 3:
Małecki Jan M.: Czasy renesansowego rozkwitu. In: Dzieje Krakowa. Vol. 2. Kraków w wiekach XVI–XVIII. Eds. Janina Bieniarzówna, Jan M. Małecki, Józef Mitkowski. Kraków 1984, pp. 9–155.

Surname and first name of the author: Title of the article. “Magazine title” year, magazine number, location within the magazine.

Example 1:
Jaworski Marcin: Różewicz – ostatni modernista. “Polonistyka” 2005, No. 5, pp. 18–24.

Example 2:
Wisłowska Małgorzata: Powikłań będzie mniej. Niesterydowe leki przeciwzapalne a COX2. “Nauka i Przyszłość” March 2001, Ann. 12, No. 3, pp. 18–19.

Example 3:
Gorman Michael: Przyszłość biblioteki akademickiej. “Przegląd Biblioteczny” 1995, Ann. 63, sec. 2, pp. 147–155.

Surname and first name of the author of the reviewed book: Title of the reviewed book. Edition. Place of issue, year of issue. Rev. Surname and first name of the author of the review: Title of the review. “Magazine title” year, magazine number, location of the review within the magazine.

Kuczok Wojciech: Gnój. Warszawa, 2003. Rev. Śliwiński Piotr: Normalni, wydrążeni, źli. “Tygodnik Powszechny” 2004, No. 32, p. 11.

Surname and first name of the interviewee: Title of the interview. Interview by Surname and first name of the interviewer. “Magazine title” year, number, page numbers.

Kuczok Wojciech: Jestem bardzo pokrzywiony. Interview by Pietkiewicz Barbara. “Polityka” 2004, No. 3, pp. 58–59.


1. Book on a CD-ROM
Surname and first name of the author: title [media type]. Edition. Place of issue year of issue.

Kopaliński Władysław: Słownik wyrazów obcych i zwrotów obcojęzycznych [CD-ROM]. Version 1.03.16. Łódź 1998.

2. Passage of a book on a CD-ROM
Surname and first name of the author: Title [media type]. Edition. Place of issue year of issue. Title of the passage, location if the book is paginated.

Kopaliński Władysław: Wielki multimedialny słownik Władysława Kopalińskiego [CD-ROM]. Version 1.00.000. Warszawa 2000. Słownik eponimów czyli wyrazów odimiennych.

3. Book on the Internet
Surname and first name of the author: title [media type]. Edition. Place of issue year of issue [date of access]. Available online: http:// ...

Example 1:
Hłasko Marek: Ósmy dzień tygodnia [online]. [access 19/11/2005]. Available online:

Example 2:
Wyspiański Stanisław: Wesele [online]. Gdańsk 2001 [access 2/11/2004]. Available online:

4. Passage of a book on the Internet
Surname and first name of the author: Title [media type]. Edition. Place of issue year of issue [date of access]. Title of the passage, location if the book is paginated. Available online: http:// ...

Hutnikiewicz Artur: Od czystej formy do literatury faktu [online]. Warszawa 1988 [dostęp 12 VII 2006]. Ekspresjonizm, pp. 70–92. Available online:

5. Web page
Surname and first name of the author: Title [media type]. Edition. Place of issue [date of access]. Available online: http:// ...

Skórka Stanisław: Wirtualna historia książki i bibliotek [online]. Kraków [access 4 February 2005]. Available online: http://www.ap.

6. Article in an electronic magazine
Surname and first name of the author: Title of the article. “Magazine title” [media type]. Date of issue, identification of the section [access date]. Available online: http:// ...

Example 1:
Stanuch Stanisław M.: Pornografia w sieci. “Gazeta Wyborcza” [online]. 10/9/1999 [access 3/10/1999]. Available online:

Example 2:
Wolska Katarzyna, Rudaś Paweł, Jakubczak Antoni: Reduction in the Adherence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Human Buccal Epithelial Cells with Neuraminidase Inhibition. “Polish Journal of Microbiology” [online]. 2005, Vol. 54, no. 1 [access 10/4/2005]. Available online:


  1. Footnotes (on the bottom of the page) should be used, numbered using Arabic numerals, generated automatically. Place footnote links in the text body in superscript; always before the comma, semicolon, or full stop, for example: footnote1.
  2. The footnote creation method shall follow the principles of creating a bibliographical description. Shorten first names to initials, write surnames using expanded letters (Tools ->Font -> Spacing between characters -> expanded spacing). Note: do not use manually expanded text. Keep the punctuation and order of the description elements; at the end, after a comma, provide the references to specific pages, excluding the location, for example, in the case of an article in a magazine.
  3. When a publication is mentioned in a footnote for the first time, provide all the elements in full, and in subsequent references, provide only: surname, initials, the first words of the title with an ellipsis.
  4. In the footnotes to a new chapter (numbered from 1), repeat the full description of each work that is quoted for the first time in this chapter, even if this description has already been given in the previous chapter.
  5. If the source or any explanation is given for any additional materials such as tables, illustrations, etc., such a note should not be included in footnotes but in the text body, directly below the relevant material.
1. Habielski R., Osica J.: Między niewolą a wolnością. Kronika czterech pokoleń 1900–1997. 7th ed. Warszawa 2003, p. 12.
2. Gorman M.: Przyszłość biblioteki akademickiej. “Przegląd Biblioteczny” 1995, Ann. 63, sec. 2, p. 12.
3. Habielski R., Osica J.: Między niewolą..., p. 14.


6. When the same publication is mentioned several times in a row, use the Latin abbreviation: ibid. (“in the same place”). If the same author’s surname is repeated in successive footnotes, the abbreviations to be used are: idem (“the same”), eadem (feminine form of “the same”), eidem (plural form of “the same”), eaedem (feminine plural form of “the same”). Other abbreviations may also be used, as adopted in specialist studies, but with clarification when first mentioned.

3. Habielski R., Osica J.: Między niewolą..., p. 14.
4. Ibidem, p. 16.
5. Nowak A.: Budowle gotyckie w otoczeniu rokokowym
  • . Sopot 2001, p. 38; idem: Otoczenie gotyckie budowli rokokowych. Gdańsk 1999, p. 50–80.


Author's sheet, publisher’s sheet: the unit used to calculate the volume of the text being edited. It contains 22.2 normalised pages, that is, 40,000 characters with spaces, or 3000 cm2 of area covered by illustrations (musical notation, mathematical or chemical formulas, diagrams, etc.)
Printed sheet: the unit of calculation used by printing houses. A single-sided sheet of paper larger than B2 but smaller than B1 (that corresponds, for example, to eight pages of an A4 book, sixteen A5 pages, etc.).
Front matter: 1. half title page, 2. vacat page or frontispiece, 3. title page, 4. copyright page.
Hyphen: (-) an intra-word or inter-word mark.
Line spacing: spacing between lines.
Proofreading: checking the text that has already been edited for linguistic correctness and marking spelling, punctuation, grammatical and stylistic errors.
Paperback: joining the paper sections into one block is done with thread and/or glue.
Hardcover: the book block is inside a hard cover, the spine is not connected to the block.
Page header: a line above the print column containing, in addition to the page number, a repetition of the work title, its part or chapter, and in encyclopedias and dictionaries, usually the first and last entry of the page.
Pagination: the numbering of consecutive pages in a book.
Em dash: a longer dash (—) Ctrl + Alt + minus sign on the numeric keypad.
En dash: a shorter dash (–) Ctrl + minus sign on the numeric keypad.
Editing: not only stylistic proofreading of the text concerning linguistic correctness, spelling, and punctuation, but also a verification of the material in terms of logical consistency and content.
Space: gap between characters or words.
Normalised page: basic unit of calculation of the volume of text (1 page = 1800 characters with spaces). To calculate how many pages are in a document, divide the number of characters (Tools –> Word Count: number of characters with spaces) by 1800.
Notebook binding: binding a section with metal staples.
Tabulator: automatic indent of the first row.
Vacat page: an unprinted page of a book.