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Testimonies of Survivors

Exhibition curator
Anna Jodłowiec-Dziedzic oraz Bartosz Heksel

The Museum of Krakow together with the Consulate General of the Slovak Republic in Krakow would like to invite you to a temporary exhibition in the Old Synagogue.

The photography exhibition of Dr Martin Korčok, entitled “Testimonies of Survivors”, is dedicated to those who survived the Holocaust. It shows the people and places related to the tragic events of World War II. It brings closer those who have survived and given their testimonies on historical events which should never repeat. Each shot includes a quotation or opinion that shows the senseless nature of war and killing.

Head - Sereď Holocaust Museum

The exhibition is in the educational room of the Old Synagogue branch (address: ul. Szeroka 24)

The descriptions of the photographs in the exhibition are in English and Slovak.
Exhibition curator
Anna Jodłowiec-Dziedzic oraz Bartosz Heksel