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The Paths of the Scouths
Permanent exhibition 30.09.2023Museum of the Scouting Movement
Jugowice Fort. Site Heritage
Permanent exhibition 06.07.2023Museum of the Scouting Movement
Krakow from the beginning, to no end.
Permanent exhibition 19.12.2021Krzysztofory Palace
In the Shadow of Krak’s Mound
Permanent exhibition 01.11.2010Podgórze MuseumThe Fowler Brotherhood of Kraków and City Defenses
Permanent exhibition 01.04.2000Celestat
People of Kraków in Times of Terror 1939-1945-1956
Permanent exhibition 02.02.2020Pomorska StreetThe history and Culture of Jews in Kraków
Permanent exhibition 30.04.2010Old SynagogueFollowing the traces of European identity of Kraków
Permanent exhibition 24.09.2010Rynek Underground