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Polityka prywatności
*Z wyjątkiem niezbędnych


Rezerwacje przyjmowane są najpóźniej na dwa tygodnie przed planowanym terminem wizyty w Muzeum, w zależności od dostępności wolnych terminów.

Zamówienia należy składać telefonicznie lub mailowo w oddziale organizującym zajęcia. Numery telefonów oraz adresy mailowe znajdują się na stronie internetowej 


  • Lekcje muzealne i spacery miejskie: 100 zł od grupy + 4 zł od osoby
  • Warsztaty edukacyjne: 100 zł od grupy + 5 zł od osoby
  • Zajęcia edukacyjne w oddziale Rynek Podziemny: 100 zł od grupy + koszt biletów wstępu (12 zł). Bilety wstępu uprawniają również do samodzielnego zwiedzania wystawy.
Bezpłatny wstęp na zajęcia stacjonarne przysługuje jednemu opiekunowi na 10 uczestników.


W każdym z oddziałów obowiązują inne limity dotyczące maksymalnej liczby uczestników. Jest to spowodowane uwarunkowaniami przestrzennymi.

Czas trwania zajęć, podany przy każdym z tematów, ma charakter orientacyjny.

Obecność nauczyciela (opiekuna grupy) podczas zajęć jest obowiązkowa.

W przypadku rezygnacji z zajęć edukacyjnych prosimy o niezwłoczną informację.

W wyjątkowych przypadkach Muzeum zastrzega sobie prawo do odwołania zajęć, po uprzednim powiadomieniu zamawiającego.


What is hidden under the Market Square? Mysteries of Archaeology.

age: kindergartens and grades I-III of primary school
duration: 1h
Who is an archaeologist and how does he work? What he needs a brush for? Does he need a brush to paint? During the classes, children will have the opportunity to discover the secrets hidden under the surface of the Main Square and learn about the history of Kraków and its inhabitants. At the end of the workshop, they will try to solve a special archaeological task.

A day like every day. Everyday life in medieval Kraków
age: from 4th grade to post-primary school grades
thematic guided tour
duration: 1h
During a journey through time in the medieval Kraków Market Square, participants learn about the fashion trends followed by the bourgeoisie of the time, learn the secrets of their menus and become acquainted with the meanders of the system of weights and measures used by medieval merchants. Among the artifacts from centuries ago, they recognize everyday objects familiar to us in the 21st century.


Inside the colorful chest. Why does a maiden need a crown?
age: kindergartens and primary schools
thematic guided tour/workshop
duration: 40-60 minutes
Participants will not only be able to visit Rydlówka, finding out what the place is and what events it is connected with but above all discover its various secrets. The children's attention will focus on the most famous Polish wedding. We will talk about wedding customs and rituals. Participants will discover why the bride used to cry, what a flower crown and a headpiece were, and what precious things were hidden in the Kraków-style chest. We will sing and dance together while re-enacting wedding games.


Childhood in the ghetto
age: 13+
duration: 45 minutes
The fate of children during World War II often evokes the strongest emotions in us. This is particularly noticeable when we realize that it was often the children, 9-10 years old, who had the burden of supporting their families in the ghetto. So you could say that they had no childhood - they had to grow up overnight. The reason for this was hunger, death, and suffering.
The aim of the workshop is to show the fate of Jewish children in the face of the Holocaust, thus encouraging students to reflect on their lives, everyday life, dreams - and death.

Introductory topics:
- The extermination of Jews in occupied Polish territory during World War II (repression, creation of ghettos, and subsequent deportation to camps),
- Everyday life during the occupation (economic and economic situation, pauperization, smuggling).


From a mound of mysteries, from the treasury of Podgórze legends
age: I-III grades of primary school
museum lesson
duration: 90 minutes
The legends of Podgórze are a world full of fantasy, incredible, and often chilling stories and events whose heroes are both historical and legendary figures. The workshop will allow participants to move to the land of imagination, where they can meet Prince Krak and the Wawel Dragon, Mr. Twardowski or the mysterious Enchanted Princess. During the activities, the children will play the role of researchers of the past and will try to find a "grain of truth" hidden in old stories.

Building bridges
age: VII-VIII grades of primary school, high schools
museum lesson
duration: 90 minutes

Established in 1784, Podgórze quickly became a place where different nationalities lived together, a space where many cultures and faiths intermingled. With the joint work and commitment of the people who settled there, a unique city was created - the so-called Little America. This diversity has long been a great strength of Podgórze, which over time has become part of Krakow and without which Kraków would not be the same today. During a special cultural quiz, we will trace together with the students the role and influence of immigrants on the development of Podgórze and consider whether a similar relationship would be possible today.